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Coaching Director:
Steve Baker
Free "Explosive Growth" Coaching Session:
How To Get People To Respond To Your Marketing!
The Answer Is Very Simple . . . Tell them what to do!
Tell people to act and make it easy for people to purchase. When you make it easy and give people as many options as possible, you'll experience an increase in sales.
In your marketing material, give people a variety of response options - call, fax, email, mail or visit a website. The reason why this works is because some people find it easier to pick up the phone and respond to an ad.
Others find it easier to send an email. And some like dropping by face-to-face.
When you make it easy for people to pay, your sales increase as well. So - feature as many payment options as possible - credit cards, direct debit, financing, lay by etc.
Tell people WHEN
As we mentioned earlier, many buyers tend to shop around, compare different products and offers then think about things for awhile. When it comes to making a decision on what to buy then handing over money they tend to procrastinate.
To maximise your sales success, it's vital then to stop that procrastination from occurring so they DO buy.
The way to do that is to create a sense of urgency. Create a sense of urgency by making them a limited offer that offers them savings or other kinds of benefits if they purchase right now.
And/or you might also mention the pain that will occur if they don't act now - if they DO wait too long.
That pain might be something associated with NOT experiencing the benefits of the product now... like enduring more arthritis pain by not using your product... like missing out on more fun activities with their kids because they're too unhealthy/unfit/overweight to participate.
Or it could be the fact that you only have a small number of products available in stock at this price and if they don't act now they'll miss out.
In the sales copy you can create a sense of urgency by using words like:
- · Today
- · Hurry
- · Offer ends 30-03-13
- · Only 30 seats left, so hurry!
- · Limited offer
- · Act now to avoid disappointment.
It isn't enough to tell people to act now. You need to be very specific about how you want them to do that.
Tell People Why
When you ask for the order (whether it's in a face-to-face situation or in your sales copy) always summarise the reasons why they should order. In other words, summarise the major benefits of purchasing or taking the next step.
For example: "Take your first step towards sacking your boss. Enrol in the course today and you'll be working for yourself earning a full time income in no time at all."
If the next step you want them to take is to request a consultation, summarise the benefits of the consultation.
"So - before you build your next house, make sure you're armed with all the facts so you can avoid these mistakes and save thousands of dollars in the process."
If you need help working through this process don’t worry because I can talk through this in a FREE 30minute chat with you.
Thank you for reading this article, I trust it has been thought provoking and most importantly that you will take immediate action in your business.
In this powerful session you will leave with:
• Clarity and a strong vision for the future of your business.
• A new awareness of what is causing many of the challenges in your business right now (they may not be what you think!)
• A renewed sense of energy and motivation to take your business to the next level.
• A "next-step" action plan for moving your business into the next phase of profit, growth and freedom!