July 2018 / 4 posts found
How to Strengthen Your Marketing Message
Checkpoint: You know who your target market is, what their needs are, what their purchase behaviors are and how to reach them. You know how to use market research to find out more information about your market on a regular basis. This E-Class is about writing targeted messages for your target market. Earlier this week I showed you how to isolate your target market, and then how to use market research to gather information about that group of people to use in your marketing strategies. Today we’re going to take your market research and use it to create a powerful […]
How to Identify Your Target Market
Checkpoint: You have calculated what your time is worth on an hourly basis. You are aware of the time of day that you are most productive. You have implemented five strategies for improved personal time management. Determining your target market is your first job as a business owner This E-Class officially marks the beginning of Step One of the five-step process, which shows you to how to bring a high number of qualified leads into your business. Qualified leads are the group of people who are most likely to buy from you – they have a current need, problem or […]
How to Manage Time to Make More Money
Checkpoint: Your workspace is organized for productivity and minimizes distractions. You have cleaned out and cleared out areas in your office or business where old stock or surplus office supplies are kept. You have begun to organize your paper and electronic filing into systems, with the help of your staff. Small business owners too often confuse being busy with being successful. They’re not the same thing! In this E-Class we will cover: How you should treat time like money How to calculate what your time is worth The five biggest culprits of time theft Where your time goes in your […]
How to Optimize Your Office for Success
Checkpoint: You have written down at least 18 SMART goals for yourself – nine personal goals, and nine business goals. You’ve posted your goals in a visible location for yourself and your staff. When you organize your work environment, you optimize your surroundings for productivity and increase your ability to work effectively. The steps in this E-Class will help you streamline your office, get rid of clutter and maximize your workspace for productivity. Chances are, the actions you take today to organize will also save you considerable amounts of money. A disorganized office costs more to run. Supplies, tools and […]