August 2018 / 5 posts found

Maryborough Business Coach Ads

Marketing Materials – Ads

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have created a list of words to use in your marketing materials that will target your potential customer’s emotional motivators. You have practiced writing headlines, and are working to strengthen the headlines you have been using. For many small business owners, advertising is a confusing, expensive marketing strategy that delivers mediocre results. We’re surrounded by advertising every place we look. From TV commercials and Google Adwords to local newspaper and radio spots, everyone is vying for your attention and the money in your wallet. So, as a small business owner, how do you weed through the big corporate […]
Business coach Hervey Bay Stop Them

How to Write Headlines That Stop Them in Their Tracks

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have created at least two offers that you can use as lead generation tools. You have begun to test and measure the strength of your two strong offers to evaluate which is more effective. All your headline needs to do is convince your reader to keep reading. Just like your lead generating offer, your headline has one job. It doesn’t need to close sales, or win copywriting awards, it just needs to grab and hold your reader’s attention long enough to keep them reading. Studies have shown that around 80% of people read headlines when they’re looking through […]
Hervey Bay Business Coach Powerful Offers

How to Craft Powerful Offers

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have identified which marketing materials you need, and which you can live without. You have completed an audit of your existing marketing materials, and identified opportunities for improvement based on the criteria in E-Class #10. Focus on using powerful offers to generate leads, not to close sales. Powerful offers that drive your audience to take action can be used in your business to do a myriad of things. They’re great for moving old or overstocked product, overcoming buyer objections, eliminating purchase risk, or even just building your customer database. Well-crafted offers are also fantastic lead generators – which […]
Business Coach Maryborough Materials that Work

How to Create Marketing Materials that Work

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have established which of your three draft marketing messages is the strongest, and incorporated it into all of your existing marketing materials You have implemented a lead tracking and management system and trained your staff to use it effectively Your marketing materials are an extension of you and your company. How are yours working? You can have a lot of fun creating marketing materials for your business. It’s an opportunity to work on a project that isn’t a spreadsheet, or a graph or an order form. You can really get creative! Your materials get distributed in the world […]
Maryborough Business Coach Generate More Leads

How to Generate More Leads with Less Effort Right Now

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have created three marketing messages using the step-by-step process You have tested your marketing messages internally – with your staff, management and colleagues You have started or are about to start testing your message externally – using advertising, direct mail or another lead generation strategy What is the current picture of lead generation and management in your business? Here’s the deal: in order to start generating more leads with less time and financial investment, you first have to spend time setting up systems and making some changes. Your goal in this E-Class is to establish a solid lead […]