May 2019 / 2 posts found

Topics addressed during a success strategy session

by Steve
What do you talk about when you are in a success strategy session? ย This may be something that you think about all the time. There is no clear rule to this question. It is going to be about what you do and what your guidelines are. ย You should think about what is going on so that you are able to find someone to help you with the advice and tips that you are looking for the most. You want to be able to base your life on the certain rules that apply to you. ย You want to base your life […]
Hervey Bay Business Coach Strong Guarantee

How to Offer a Strong Guarantee

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have identified areas of your sales process that you need to strengthen, or further train your staff on. You have created a master list of customer objections to your offering, and ideas of overcoming them. You have identified opportunities for up-selling, down-selling and cross-selling the items you offer. Risk reversal increases buyer confidence and encourages completed transactions. A lot of the businesses I work with don’t have a risk reversal strategy, and aren’t really familiar with what one looks like, or the power it could have over their conversion rates. Each time a customer completes a transaction, they […]