October 2018 / 5 posts found

Business Coach Maryborough Website

Marketing Materials: Website

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have created a target list for your direct mail campaigns You have written and designed a direct mail postcard, letter or brochure You have a system in place to track and measure the success of your campaign Your website is the foundation for your online presence. It doesn’t matter where or how or how often you advertise online, all the leads you generate land on your website. So, it only stands to reason that your site needs to be clear, useful and well designed for the needs of your audience. Before you start worrying about Google AdWords, banner […]
Maryborough Business Coach Direct Mail

Marketing Materials: Direct Mail

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have written a sales letter (or several) using the step-by-step process outlined in the last E-Class and are tracking the response rate in comparison to previous sales letters. Why choose direct mail for your business? As you probably know, direct mail is a basic marketing strategy that involves mailing a brochure, letter, package or postcard to a list of prospective customers. I find that it’s a common strategy for business owners, but successful direct mail campaigns are a lot less common. When a direct mail campaign is done right, it has the power to generate an incredible number […]
Business coach Hervey Bay Write Sales Letters

How to Write Sales Letters

by Steve
Checkpoint: You have calculated the current profit margins for your product or service You have chosen a strategy to implement for an immediate margin boost You have identified opportunities for immediate cost savings A sales letter is a highly personal way to reach your target audience, and communicate your message. Sales letters are powerful lead generation and customer relations tools. Unlike other, broader forms of lead generation – like advertising or direct mail – sales letters can be highly personalized to a broad range of target audiences. As you’ve learned in earlier E-Classes, the success of all communication lies in […]
Hervey Bay Business Coach Success Story

Success Story – How Clarity Day Spa Tripled Their Leads with Half the Effort

by Steve
Summary of Success Client Clarity Day Spa Business Full Service Day Spa + Salon Issue Profits had leveled, then dropped over the course of several months with no apparent reason. Approach Using the E-Classes in five-step program, Sharon: started tracking her leads researched + identified her target market completed her market research Diagnosis Sharon realized that her target market had changed in the past six months due to new developments in the area as well as changes in her salon. Her lead generation strategies had been targeting the wrong people and needed to be updated. Method A new lead generation […]
Business Coach Maryborough Increase Profit

How to Increase Profit Tomorrow

by Steve
Checkpoint: You know what your current average dollar sale is You have involved your staff in your efforts to increase your average dollar sale You have identified and are beginning to implement strategies to boost your average dollar sale – even by a small amount Make sure that your business is set up to reap the most profit from the efforts you have made attracting new, loyal customers. The bulk of the strategies we have been focusing on have to do with external elements – like customers and marketing and sales processes. The last step in the process is internal […]