internet marketing / 4 posts found

Small business internet marketing isn’t just advertising anymore.

by Zaida Cadete
  It used to consist of purchasing ads in various places, and then purchasing specific types of ads, when the internet exploded. Now the difference between advertising and marketing has become very clear. Advertising is something you do that’s very passive. Yes, you’ll use specific language in any advertising space you purchase to try to entice people to click and buy, but once you’ve put the ad in place, it’s there and it’s not going to change. Even pay-per-click advertising falls into this more passive category. But with many of the techniques of small business internet marketing, the things you […]

ECommerce Websites for Small Businesses

by Zaida Cadete
In first World countries, the Internet is now a huge part of our everyday life. We use it at work and we use it at home. It is all around us. A person from a First World country would be in a minority if they said they had not paid for anything across the Internet or bought a product or service online through an eCommerce store. One study found that residents in European Nations spent $132 Billion Euros (USD $180 Billion) through eCommerce Websites. In the next 5 years, the amount spent through eCommerce Websites is set to increase by […]

Your Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques

by Zaida Cadete
in Blog
Small business internet marketing techniques consist of more than just simple advertising. There may have been a time, in the early days of the net, when any online ad could bring in new customers and generate profits. The internet has matured over the years and not the placement of basic ads isn’t enough to qualify as a marketing campaign. For the sake of our discussion we will say advertising is a more passive activity and marketing is more active. When you place an ad it just sits there doing its job (hopefully), but marketing is about getting people to see […]

Your Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques

by Zaida Cadete
in Blog
Small business internet marketing techniques consist of more than just simple advertising. There may have been a time, in the early days of the net, when any online ad could bring in new customers and generate profits. The internet has matured over the years and not the placement of basic ads isn’t enough to qualify as a marketing campaign. For the sake of our discussion we will say advertising is a more passive activity and marketing is more active. When you place an ad it just sits there doing its job (hopefully), but marketing is about getting people to see […]