leadership / 8 posts found
Ten Relationship Traits And Skills For Good Leadership
An important aspect of good leadership is the ability to work and relate with others. There are ten qualities that characterize successful leadership in the area of relating and communicating with other people. 1. Availability A good leader is available and in touch with people. An important leadership skill is the ability to recognize needs and be able to respond to them quickly and in the moment. 2. Facilitating Harmonious Relationships A good leader realizes the importance of harmonious relationships and is proactive in creating a harmonious atmosphere. Successful results are born out of harmony rather than conflict. Good leadership […]
Team Building: Developing A Team To Rely On
Team building is very important when it comes to managing people. People are simply more willing to work together, when the atmosphere encourages it. For many organizations this is quite necessary for the business to run well. When everyone gets along, things just go better. They provide better service to the customer. They work together to deliver satisfaction with smiles. They also help to promote employee retention. Customers are happy, employees are happy, and the world is now a better place, right? Team building is anything but simple. It is not something that can be done overnight. Nor is […]
Getting Your Message Across With Good Rapport
I bet you have had times when you have walked into a shop and felt immediately welcome. I’m also pretty sure that you’ve had occasions where you’ve felt just the opposite. What was the difference? What happened in the place that created that welcome feeling within you? Maybe the assistant noticed you entering and offered you a smile and said hello. They are telling you that you are welcome in their space both physically and mentally. Compare this with a shop where you were completely ignored until you went to pay for something. What message are you getting there? […]
“The miracle power that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance, under the promptings of a brave determined spirit.” – Mark Twain
Many motivational experts like to say that leaders are made, not born. I would argue the exact opposite. I believe we are all natural born leaders, but have been deprogrammed along the way. As children, we were natural leaders – curious and humble, always hungry and thirsty for knowledge, with an incredibly vivid imagination; we knew exactly what we wanted, were persistent and determined in getting what we wanted, and had the ability to motivate, inspire, and influence everyone around us to help us in accomplishing our mission. So why is this so difficult to do as adults? What […]
The New Leadership Is A Sacred Calling
You can greatly improve your job and career performance when you embrace leadership as a sacred calling. The global marketplace is creating historic changes in human circumstances as broad and deep as those originated by the Industrial Revolution. But one significant change that observers are overlooking involves leadership. From the outset of the Industrial Revolution, order-giving has been the standard of leadership. The word “order” comes from the Latin root meaning to arrange threads in a woof. In the Industrial Revolution’s early years, workers were “ordered” or ranked like threads in a woof of textile production lines. But globalization is […]
Three Factors Of Leadership Motivation
Leaders do nothing more important than get results. But you can’t get results by yourself. You need others to help you do it. And the best way to have other people get results is not by ordering them but motivating them. Yet many leaders fail to motivate people to achieve results because those leaders misconstrue the concept and applications of motivation. To understand motivation and apply it daily, let’s understand its three critical pillars. Know these pillars and put them into action to greatly enhance your ability to lead for results. MOTIVATION IS PHYSICAL ACTION. “Motivation” has common roots […]
Three Key Elements to improving Leadership
Great leadership is the key to success. Great communication is the key to great leadership. Think of any great leader in modern time: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and John F. Kennedy come to mind immediately. They were powerful leaders because they could inspire people to follow them. It was their ability to articulate their vision that made them successful in achieving their goals. In your organization you must be the leader who inspires the team to great heights. To get them to follow you, be sure they are listening to your values and your vision, and then establish the […]
Success Coaching and Putting Common Sense Back Into Your Business
You will find that the business world is constantly changing, but also everything is constantly changing. You will find that the competition will appear and fade, just as quickly as they came, however, you may just be one the competitors who fade away quicker than you think. You will want to think twice about letting your company go. You will want to keep in mind that learning how to control and contain the change in your favor. You will need to get some serious professional help to get things into focus and also figure out a game plan. You will […]