Success / 13 posts found

by Steve
in Blog
Having goals to make your life, the way that you want it is important. You should think about the different levels of success that you want and how far you are willing to go after them. Think about all the different methods you can come up with so that you are using your best interest to be as successful as possible. Being committed is going to be something that anyone who is serious about his or her success should do. You need to be committed in life to thinking about all the different strategies that you can work up. Are […]

“The miracle power that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance, under the promptings of a brave determined spirit.” – Mark Twain

by Zaida Cadete
  Many motivational experts like to say that leaders are made, not born. I would argue the exact opposite. I believe we are all natural born leaders, but have been deprogrammed along the way. As children, we were natural leaders – curious and humble, always hungry and thirsty for knowledge, with an incredibly vivid imagination; we knew exactly what we wanted, were persistent and determined in getting what we wanted, and had the ability to motivate, inspire, and influence everyone around us to help us in accomplishing our mission. So why is this so difficult to do as adults? What […]

How to Use Success Coaching for your Team Building Needs

by Steve
in Blog
You have to understand that team building skills is necessary in any business manager or owner. You will need to learn how to be a successful leader and coach, but you also need to know how to build a team that will not only support the group members, but the company at the same time. You will find that making teams within the office is a very difficult thing, but you will need to get everyone on board with your ideas before you let anything get out of hand.  The first thing that you will need to learn how to […]

How to use Success Strategies to be Personally Happy

by Steve
in Blog
Success and happiness tend to be hand and hand, however, you have to figure out what it is that would make you feel successful and happy. Sometimes you will find that success and happiness will lead you into two different directions. For example, you may find that your current living situation makes you happy, but if you ever want to become an CEO then you will need to head for the city. You will need to consider, at one point, which is more important to you. Keep in mind, if you are able to find happiness, then you have more […]

How you can apply success strategies to your family life

by Steve
in Blog
You will find that when it comes to busy families today, there seems to be no room for the family to become a support system. The family life today seems to be torn apart. The mom needs to work and the father needs to work to support the family financially. This may or may not be the reason for a loose family, but the truth is that the whole family should come together on the time that they do have. Instead of allowing the kids go out during the weekdays, make them stay home and have a family time day […]

How your Success can Continue Well into the Future

by Steve
in Blog
You have to consider the fact that your success can continue far into the future, but you have to want it to. You have to stop worrying about just today and start thinking about today and tomorrow. You are going to have to think about the ways that you are going to be affected in the future because of the success that you are having right now. You are also going to have to stop thinking about the past. You can’t change the past. You can’t make the past right. The only thing that you can change is today and […]

Three Key Elements to improving Leadership

by Steve
in Blog
Great leadership is the key to success. Great communication is the key to great leadership. Think of any great leader in modern time: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and John F. Kennedy come to mind immediately. They were powerful leaders because they could inspire people to follow them. It was their ability to articulate their vision that made them successful in achieving their goals. In your organization you must be the leader who inspires the team to great heights. To get them to follow you, be sure they are listening to your values and your vision, and then establish the […]

Success and Motivational Strategies in Life

by Steve
in Blog
You have to keep in mind there are many things you can do with motivation. With the proper inspiration, you will be able to encourage your children, your mate, and even your workers. You will want to keep this in mind when it comes to the business world. You will want to think about the possible success and motivational strategies that you can use in your everyday life. You will want to make sure that you think about the ways that you need to motivate and how you think you can use it to make your life just a little […]

Success coaching and personal development tips

by Steve
in Blog
There are many personal development tips that you will need to use in order to become a successful person. You will find that when you use techniques like success coaching you will be forced to face some of these issues and work on the type of person who you wish to become. The first tip that you will have to use is learning how to be on top of things. You need to work on your timing. You will find that there are going to be appointments in which you will be expected to be on time for. You need […]

Success Coaching and What You Can Expect to Tackle

by Steve
in Blog
Coaching is going to be something that you need to do with someone else. You will find that coaching is going to be a partnership that you and your coach are going to learn to do.  You are going to be spending a lot of time with your coach and giving them all of your trust so that you are becoming a better and more goal oriented person all around.  You want your goals and dreams to become a reality and you have to figure out what is more important to you when it comes to your own level of […]